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Margarita Milton

Margarita Milton grew up in New York City. She received her BS in Chemistry from Stony Brook University after working on the synthesis of aromatic belts in the lab of Nancy Goroff. She is currently a graduate student in the Nuckolls Lab at Columbia University, where she creates novel architectures involving perylene diimides. In her spare time, Margarita likes to read and write.

Lab mysteries: Experiments gone awry, but why?

Many frustrating experimental results happen because you made a mistake. In hindsight, you realize you set up the reaction incorrectly or you were rushing and messed up the purification. Mistakes happen. Sometimes, though, you cannot find any good

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Mercury: Cautious encounters with a menacing metal

Margarita Milton
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Lab fire safety: Pesky doors, close calls, and mysterious bricks

Doors can be problematic. Especially when your automatic column chromatography machine is in the room with the glove boxes, there’s only one rotovap in a fume hood in a little side room, there are three organic labs connected by doors, and you have

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