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Samantha Jones

Samantha Jones grew up in the Boston area and attended Vassar College in New York for undergrad, where she studied biology and competed on the swim team. She is currently a fourth year Biomedical Sciences PhD student at UC San Diego studying the role of RNA in neural development and working toward a future in science writing. Check out her website for an up-to-date look at what she’s working on, or her Twitter page for all things science.

Scientist Seeking Funding: Tips for Grant Writing

If you’re currently in science research then you’re well aware of the funding deficit, and it’s likely that at one point you or a fellow scientist friend has had research (or maybe even a job) on the line while eagerly awaiting a grant score. So,

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This is why we need time machines: A PhD reflection

As I enter into what is likely the final year of my PhD in the Biomedical Sciences program at the University of California San Diego, I regularly find myself contemplating the last four years. Although my experience has been a generally positive

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Alternative science careers: Beyond academia and industry

Samantha Jones
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