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Quartzy Helps XPRIZE Teams Win the Rapid COVID-19 Testing Competition

Quartzy’s unique solution combining SaaS and e-commerce has transformed laboratory operations for organizations globally, ranging from academic labs to multinational organizations and Fortune 500 pharmaceutical companies. By centralizing key tasks

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Faster, cheaper drug discovery using Human-on-a-Chip research

Could you look at an unknown seed and describe what kind of tree it will grow into? When developing new drugs, medicinal chemists are often given the similarly impossible task of predicting, from a chemical’s behavior in a Petri dish, whether it

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Valentine’s Day Sweetness Without the Sugar

We often associate holidays and celebratory events with food. A great example is Valentine’s Day, where it is common to exchange chocolates. But consuming large amounts of sugar has some not-so-sweet long-term side effects. Fortunately, this

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Searching for Answers Amid a Global Pandemic: Quartzy Labs Step Up

COVID-19. Social distancing. Self-quarantine. We are all too familiar with these terms that are synonymous with the global pandemic happening all around us.

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