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Kurt McKean

Kurt McKean has studied the evolution of immune function and pathogen host interactions since his days as a PhD student at the University of California Riverside. Subsequent stops included a postdoc at Cornell University, and faculty positions at the University at Albany and Hull University. He now lives and works in Montepellier, France, teaching science, editing manuscripts, and trying to keep up with his twin boys.

Lab environments and the reproducibility crisis

 As a postdoc at Cornell University in the late 2000s, with the aid of a few collaborators and an army of undergraduates, I carried out a big experiment that I’ll call the Cornell Experiment, testing whether female Drosophila melanogaster face a

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"Why is your research important?" - Society

While a graduate student at UC Riverside, I attended a small meeting in Santa Cruz. It was my first chance to talk about my research and I was very excited. The organizers had invited one of the luminaries in my field, and I eventually got my chance

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SHERLOCK: CRISPR-based point-of-care diagnostic system for Ebola?

A few weeks ago, the World Health Organization (WHO) was notified by the Democratic Republic of Congo’s Ministry of Health (MoH) of a small outbreak of Ebola virus disease in the northern Bas Uele Province. Of the nine suspected cases, three had

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Sounds of science: Using music to accompany lab work

Kurt McKean
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