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New reagent? Here's how to get the free sample you need

So you want to try a new reagent. But whether it’s to replace one that you have previously used or to start on a new project, one important question always arises: how do you know that it will work? Even if the manufacturer’s website shows data and

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Your new solar eclipse plan: Contribute to research

The solar eclipse that will pass over the United States on August 21st is a twice-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see a marvel of science in action - though total solar eclipses anywhere in the world only happen approximately every 18 years, there has

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Scientists in the wild: How to network anytime, anywhere

Allow me to set the stage: a summer evening. A group of strangers pile into a cafe to play board games. Amid the discussion of what games to play and food to order, introductions abound. Then, you hear the fellow next to you say that he works at a

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Lab mysteries: Experiments gone awry, but why?

Many frustrating experimental results happen because you made a mistake. In hindsight, you realize you set up the reaction incorrectly or you were rushing and messed up the purification. Mistakes happen. Sometimes, though, you cannot find any good

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Scientist vs. Machine: The epic battle to get research done

It seems that all scientists have had that moment– the moment where you feel totally defeated by a machine. At some point in your day you will likely need to use some piece of equipment for experiments – incubators, shakers, microscopes, computers –

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This is why we need time machines: A PhD reflection

As I enter into what is likely the final year of my PhD in the Biomedical Sciences program at the University of California San Diego, I regularly find myself contemplating the last four years. Although my experience has been a generally positive

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