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Stop stealing my pipettes: A guide to lab etiquette fundamentals

With the demands of research as they are, labs often become bustling centers of activity. Ultimately, we all want to generate a substantial amount of exciting data that would further our projects and publications in a timely manner despite also

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This checklist and free tool will ensure PCR primer design success

The Polymerase Chain Reaction, PCR, is one of the cornerstones of molecular biology. It allows the selective amplification of a target DNA sequence that occurs only once within a large and complex DNA structure such as genomic DNA. PCR is composed

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3 Culture contaminants you hate and how to save your cells

Sterile cell culture practice is key to avoid contamination by microorganisms, which would then interfere with the integrity of your cell system and your experiments. While most of us are careful and well trained in proper cell culture technique,

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Molecular cloning of PCR products: Restriction digestion guide

Daad Abi-Ghanem
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Molecular cloning of PCR products: Transformation and colony screening

Cloning is a ubiquitous multi-step technique in molecular biology labs. We have previously discussed restriction digestion and ligation, so it’s time to conclude with transformation and colony screening.

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"Why is your research important?" - Society

While a graduate student at UC Riverside, I attended a small meeting in Santa Cruz. It was my first chance to talk about my research and I was very excited. The organizers had invited one of the luminaries in my field, and I eventually got my chance

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