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Quartzy update: The path to easier lab management and faster research

Quartzy launched six years ago with a seemingly simple yet highly ambitious mission: accelerate the pace of scientific discovery through a free platform that streamlines lab research. Since then, the company co-founded by Jayant Kulkarni (CEO) and

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'One year of Quartzy use and still in love'

Amy Palubinsky
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Biomedical engineering: Spotlight on biomechanics

Andy Tay
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PCR analysis: Tips and principles for successful experiments

Mike Yee
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Pipette tips: Tricks and tales for a routine research task

For many scientists, few things are more mundane, monotonous, and painfully synonymous with lab research than pipetting. Draw, squirt, eject. Draw, squirt, eject. Sigh. Whether Day 1 in your first lab or deep into your research career, you will be

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Quantitative Western blots: Using infrared dyes to analyze signal transduction

Mike Yee
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