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Improving your Science Figures: What I learned from conversations with 100+ scientists

We’ve all heard it: “a picture is worth a thousand words”. This may be truer in the sciences than anywhere else. As a scientific illustrator, I’ve both studied the theory and witnessed the power of images as teaching tools, and have watched with

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Introducing Quick Lookup: A Faster Way to Add Requests

The Request feature has always been a major part of what makes Quartzy so useful for streamlining lab supply ordering, and it’s why we regularly keep an eye out for ways to improve it. But because of its central place in the workflows of most users,
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Antibody Product Review: Jackson ImmunoResearch

Secondary antibodies are a vital reagent for any fluorescent detection technique, including flow cytometry and imaging. That’s because while primary antibodies are important for detecting a protein of interest, it’s the secondary antibodies that

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Eco-Friendly Lab Practices: Saving the Environment and the Greenbacks

You are at the forefront - pushing the frontiers of scientific discovery and innovation. You know all too well of the seemingly endless bench work and rapid consumption of biotech consumables. We’re talking plastic dishes and plates, carcinogenic

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Northwest Pathology: Achieving better patient care through a more efficient lab

Northwest Pathology is a leading provider of pathology services based out of Bellingham, Washington. At present day, Northwest Pathology uses Quartzy to keep their labs up-to-date on all things lab management related, but things weren’t always so

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Inside the Head of a Peer Reviewer

So you’ve been asked to review your first scientific article - congratulations! Being asked to review an article indicates that you’ve made an impact through publishing and presenting your own research – whether you were invited directly, or asked

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