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Quick Lookup: The convenient way to request supplies

Since we rolled out Quartzy’s Quick Lookup feature two weeks ago, we’ve talked with a lot of lab teams about their experience using it. We’re pleased to share that the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, and we’ve received a ton of awesome ideas for ways we can make this popular feature even more useful.
If you haven’t had a chance to test drive Quick Lookup yet, you definitely should give it a try. But if you’re curious about what’s making it one of our most popular features to date, here are a few of the common reasons lab managers and their teams are excited about it.

More accurate requests tied to your order history

Vague supply requests have always been one of the more frustrating parts of lab management. While Quartzy has made it easier than ever for scientists to submit requests that come with all the relevant details for an accurate order, there was still the occasional challenge where a scientist would request an incorrect or unapproved product simply because that item shared a name with an approved item they’d previously requested. This would lead to canceled requests and missed deadlines which left nobody happy.
With Quick Lookup we’ve eliminated that problem. Now, whenever a lab member goes to add a request, Quartzy will check the lab’s order history and suggest the product the lab ordered previously, allowing the requestor to make sure they choose the right item the first time around.

Greater flexibility and transparency with your orders

Astute lab managers and their science teams are always on the lookout for ways to make their budgets go further. After all, the more you save, the more experiments you can run. But being vigilant about whether or not a product you need might have a better deal elsewhere, is understandably time consuming for scientists that don’t have the time to shop around for better alternatives when their primary goal is to request what they need and get back to work. And while lab managers will often put in the extra time to see what can be done to maximize their spend, requests can pile up and slow the entire ordering process down.
In order to make things easier for everybody, we’ve baked our popular Effortless Quotes feature into Quick Lookup, enabling requestors to see if the item they’re requesting has a better offer associated with it through Quartzy. This way, they can opt to take advantage of better shipping speeds or an attractive offer, making it easy to preserve the most critical resources for their lab: time and money.

It’s faster too

You’ll notice that Quick Lookup drastically cuts down on the amount of required information for requests. While you can still edit product information if you wish, Quick Lookup now takes past order data and product specs and uses it to auto fill virtually all the additional product information requests used to require. Now, all you need is a vendor name and catalog number and Quartzy does the work to supply the rest, making submitting a request even easier for everyone in your lab.

Try Quick Lookup today

Quick Lookup is available now and you can see it at work the next time you go to submit a new request in Quartzy. If you haven’t experienced Quick Lookup yet, give it a try today. You’ll never want to go back to the old way of submitting requests again.

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