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Watch on Demand: Finding the best supplies at the best prices

Are you still going to multiple vendor websites to check pricing and availability? Then the Quartzy Shop is where you should be searching! Browse..

Monica Lovoi September 2, 2022

Think Your Lab Has an Inventory Problem? Think Again!

Groundbreaking and fast-paced, scientific research can be chaotic. Scientists are under constant pressure to execute experiments that yield..

Monica Lovoi August 25, 2022

How To Choose A Sample Collection Device For Self-Collected, At-Scale Testing

CONSIDERATIONS FOR DIRECT-TO-CONSUMER SAMPLING APPLICATIONS There are a lot of considerations when choosing a sample collection device for..

Nina Thornton August 10, 2022

What labs need in addition to an ELN to keep them operating smoothly

Every scientist knows the value of an electronic lab notebook (ELN). It’s a powerful alternative to a traditional notebook, designed to record and..

Monica Lovoi August 3, 2022

Quartzy's Support Starts With the Customer

Support is at the core of everything we do at Quartzy. With the supply chain still strained and orders often delayed or even backordered, dealing..

Monica Lovoi July 20, 2022

Western blotting guide: Part 3, Electroblotting - Protein Transfer

introduction Electrophoresis allows the proteins separated by SDS-PAGE to be transfered from the gel onto a membrane by electrophoretic transfer. In..

Miranda Lewis, PhD July 18, 2022

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