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We're Building More to Accelerate Your Science

Earlier this summer, we made an announcement about ramping up our investments in the Quartzy platform and outlined some broad focus areas. Now, we..

Emily Yeomans August 19, 2020

How we will continue to deliver the world’s best lab management software

To all our Quartzy users, supporters, and the research community, An important change is coming to Quartzy: We are going to start charging businesses..

Adam Regelmann June 29, 2020

Simplifying immunofluorescence microscopy workflows with VECTASHIELD®

Immunofluorescence imaging is a useful laboratory technique for visualizing tissue structure, protein localization, and many other features of..

Emily Yeomans June 8, 2020

A Safe Return to the Lab

Social distancing has undoubtedly changed the world around us. Sure, life is slowly resuming. But can things ever return to a pre-COVID normal in the..

Emily Yeomans May 12, 2020

Shifting Priorities: Quartzy Suppliers Contribute in Time of Need

It’s no secret Quartzy works with the best suppliers in the industry. As part of the Quartzy marketing team, keeping up with their current happenings..

Emily Yeomans April 27, 2020

Save Time and Money with Equivalent Matches

Just outside of Cambridge, MA, Shardool Jain starts his work day. Jain is Director of R&D at AltrixBio, an early-stage startup developing an oral..

Derek Gregg April 21, 2020

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